Thanks everyone for your encouraging words and excitement for us. It still doesn't seem real. I have had a few moments of sadness. But as I have said to many of you, it's the leaving, not the going that I'm finding difficult. We have decided at this time we will go for 3 years. So our projected return will be this time 2010.
Wow that seems so far away, but it's only 3 years. But a lot will happen while we are gone. Kids will get older (as will we), my niece will be driving!!! I know W.Kendall won't be the same, it's changing already, churches will grow!
We are currently adjusting our plans, deciding to keep the Honda - actually looking to ship it over. Thanks to Jescel for all your help. I'm waiting for 2 quotes. If it's too expensive, we may leave it with my parents. At least when we get back we'll have a vehicle that's paid for. Since Kevin will be resigning from his job we don't want too many expenses when we return. I just keep remembering with Maria said "there is life after BellSouth!".
We will be getting the house all fixed up (just little things here and there) so it's more presentable to renters. If you'd like to help let us know :) We have already had an inquiry so we'll see. We are praying for someone we know, or known to someone we trust so there are no worries about the renters - since we'll be so far away.
I guess our real worries right now is the flight. But our other encouragement is that our friend Stacey flew much further, and a more adventurous trip with 4 children and she survived, as did they, so we'll be fine. Funny how God has used so many of you to encourage us, help us, and support us without you even realizing it!!! So praise be to God and blessings on you!!!
That's all for now. We'll keep you updated.
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1 day ago
it's still all surreal to me. but i'm glad i could help. let me know what more I can do.
Yes....there is life after Bell South...even though the doors never opened for us and the years following Bell South had its ups and downs we would do it the same again if the opportunity became available for us to do foreign mission work. The securiy of a good job at Bell South can't compare to the security we have in Jesus. Also, can't compare to the joy of seeing 1 person coming to know Jesus and knowing you had a part in it.
Praying for you both,
Thanks Maria. I know God will provide all things for us as we are obedient, and yes seeing just 1 person come to know Him because of our work will be worth it, but my flesh worries, but in my heart I know God can be trusted.
Surprisingly, the flight was beautiful. Leapster is a good investment at this time. :) We'll definitely be praying though as I know Weston would not enjoy limited space and freedom at this age. Katie might be more challenging than Emily. Oddly enough, they tend to sleep a lot. And, no, I'm not recommending Dimetap. I'm totally against that.
God will bless you for this leap of faith. He may not bless you with worldly riches but His blessing will be the chance to see how He wonderfully provides. Trust me, I worry sometimes too about 4 kids in college, but at least I only have to pay for one wedding!'re going to SA? thats great! i'm exited for you guys!
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