Monday, March 3, 2008

I wanna be like Jescel


Since we're leaving for South Africa in about 10 days I'm trying to use up the food we have on hand. So the last "meat" items I found in the freezer was fish. Now, we're not fish people. I probably like it more than anyone in our house and I only like about 3 kinds of fish. So it's not something we eat too often. I do try because I know it's good for you, but you don't like what you don't like.

Anyway. How do I use this fish so everyone will like it. Getting my husband to eat fish is a chore. Getting my 3 and 1 year old to eat it as well.....

So I made pasta. Everyone's favorite. I was originally going to make Fish Parmegian, but the kids can be picky about that even if I do use chicken. So I opened up two cans of diced tomatoes (have a few more left) added some italian seasoning, olive oil, garlic and a little pepper and got that all heated up. Then I diced the fish and added it to the sauce. Just let it bubble slightly till the fish was cooked and wha-la.

My ingenuity (though I'm sure this is nothing new to those who actually eat fish on a more regular basis) made me think of Jescel and her food blog. So I took a picture. So here's to you Jescel. You are a spice of life!!!

PS The garlic bread was to help the fish taste go down easier though I used orange roughy which is less fishy tasting to begin with.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Fly Bys

It's that time again. Wings over Miami Air Show. Kevin was hoping to make it this year, but alas, it was not meant to be. But that doesn't mean we haven't been able to enjoy a little of the show. Especially since they fly right over the house! Yesterday, as we sat on the couch, we saw the shadow (and heard the engines) right in our front window. Kevin says the pilot must have misjudged, because he was REALLY low! So we ran out to watch the rest, with a couple of other close fly-bys.

As I dozed off for a little afternoon nap with Katie they began the fly-bys again. So I decided to run out and take a few pictures. Got a few good ones. The two that came close (the top and middle pictures) were great. I don't know how well it can be seen here, but you can read the writing on the white plane (Kevin says it's a mig) and you can see the pilot outline on the jet!
Planes are cool! Last year we got to see a little of the acrobatics. WOW! They were doing nose dives, and lifting up at the last second. It was amazing. So we've had a preview all week as they did some test runs, and then two days of these amazing fly-bys.