I think with the advent of FB, blogs everywhere have been abandoned - ours included. Maybe I'll start it up again. Maybe not. But I couldn't leave it be...
Oh here's a tidbit.
Got one of those Butterfly Gardens... should have released them today as planned, but we didn't and you know what I got now? Mating butterflies. Two females apparently, who haven't moved from their spots in over 6 hours after being gooped by the male.
I mean they've only been out of their chrysalis since Sunday. They move fast!
Hope releasing them tomorrow won't be too late.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Where does the time go...
I don't know why but I just checked our very neglected blog and realized its been 8 months since I wrote anything. But things have happened...
In September Kevin got his job back with ATT, but we had to move to Alabama. So we packed up and moved, thanks to lots of friends and family to Daphne Alabama. A suburb of sorts of Mobile. Its about a 12 hour drive back to Homestead. We spent our first Christmas away from family and friends for the first time. But my parents and my sister with her family came up for a visit the week after which made it very nice.
Joe & Jescel blessed us with their presence for the Thanksgiving weekend and we cooked WAY too much food. I have pics, but I'll post them later, maybe.
So we're adjusting to kinder, gentler people. Slower driving, colder winters, and finding our way around. I'm not one to sit so we've explored, but admittedly the colder weather has kept us native Floridians inside. I've made some really nice friends, other moms and its good to have friends who are living similar lives. They're totally helpful and though I tend to be on the shier side, I'm making an effort to step out and do things like play groups, MOPS and park days. And since I've got 5% juice left on the computer I'm saying good night for now. But I'm gonna try to be more consistent - especially if we get snow tonight!!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Hello Again
Wow, its been quite awhile since our last post!! April 11th. Where have we been????
Well, still here, enjoying the storming weather. We're doing fine, getting along fine, moving along fine, but I guess nothing to write about. :(
Well, that's not totally true. We've got a first!!!! The girl's First movie, and our first movie as a family and my first movie in about 5 years!!!!!!!! Yep you read right. Its been roughly 5 years since I've stepped foot inside a movie theater. How you say? Kids is my answer. First I was too pregnant that the thought of sitting that long was unthinkable, plus what if I went into labor! Then just when it got settled down??? pregnant again! Why can't that man leave me alone?! LOL.
So we saw UP. Very cute, the girls enjoyed. Stood, asked questions, made comments - ah movies with kids. So of course, being the geeky parents that we are - we took pics! Kevin paid the next day with his back, but he didn't want to miss out on this first.
The movie? Cute of course. Made me cry in the beginning and of course had the girls asking questions, but a nice little tale - pixar rocks!!!
So hopefully not too long until my next post. I'll try to share more, stay in touch more, keep you up to date on our ordinary lives.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Ever have one of those weeks? We did. Now, it wasn't a week you regret or cause you to want to hide under your pillow - but it was a crazy wild week. One thing after the other. Most of it good, one thing - not so good!
First we got to enjoy the Fair totally free!!! Thank you Lord and thank you Aunt Tobe. We paid $4 for a huge lemonade and that was the extend of it. The girls had a blast riding on the kiddie rides, especially Emily. Her favorite, based on the size of her smile, was the Himalayan. It basically went around and up and down, but she had a complete blast. She also enjoyed the roller coaster. I think she'll have to travel with her Aunt Melinda & Uncle K.C. if she wants to do anything more wild than a kiddie coaster - cause this mommy & daddy don't do coasters!Second event, well this will be short, was my birthday. Love how the girls got gifts on MY birthday. They were picked out for me, but what I was going to do with two princess crowns and a Dora and Princess watch are beyond me?! LOL. And as you can see from the pictures, Katie and my nephew Malachi were anxiously awaiting the cutting of the cake. Thanks to my dad for cooking me a BBQ meal - my sister made amazing wings, and we had a nice time celebrating. There's also a pic of an exhausted Katie who fell asleep watching TV on the chair and a pic of her hair on a very curly day.
And lastly, the not so good part. We had an Aguirre event. About a week after we moved in, we replaced the carpeting with pergo lament. This Wednesday we stepped on the floor and water gushed up between the seams. Uh, oh! On Thursday Kevin set about ripping up the base boards, quarter round, and flooring - yep major water! But from where?
We thought the toilet (our room shares the wall with the bathroom). My dad removed the toilet, but everything looked okay with the pipes. So what could it be? Maybe the bathtub??? So I filled the tub full of water and then pulled the plug. Within a few seconds a flood of water came through the wall into our room! So it was the tub. After cutting into the drywall and exposing the plumbing that's directly connected to the tub - we discovered the culprit. A HUGE crack in the pipe. So every time water when through that pipe - it came into our room!!! For Three Months!!!!! So in one day Kevin & my dad replaced the toilet, repaired the pipe and by 8pm the bathroom was back in working order.
However, the concrete floor is still moist so we're waiting for it to dry before replacing the flooring. Tomorrow the plan is to cut out any damaged drywall and replace it. The fortunate part of all this is my parents are home on vacation, so Kevin & my dad were able to spend the whole day fixing the issue. Mom and I ran to Home Depot a few times to get the things they needed especially when they used a chiseler to remove the concrete flooring around the pipe so they could remove it. They wore earplugs, we left the house!
So that was our week. Hope your's was just as exciting! LOL. Monday is back to a normal routine - homeschool, housework and the rest. This week already looks promising with a few new things on the horizon. Have a great week and remember HE IS RISEN!!!! God blessings to everyone this glorious day.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Kid Crazy
Holly it's too quiet, where are they? and what are they doing? Then a little noise, a little giggling, and then a click! In the bathroom? Minny mouse and Barbie on the toilet together, this was there last picture with my 300 dollar camera. Lets hope Disney and Mattel don't see this.
Labels: u
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Life in Motion
Here's Kev's first play-around with iMovie. Not bad - of course the subject is my favorite! LOL
here's just a vid of Katie and a pop tart - she's too funny.
And lastly Emily enjoying some ice-cream and veggin' out on the TV!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Our Favorite Jon
We had the privilege of watching Jon play soccer this afternoon. The girls were very excited and Kevin took the opportunity to take some pictures with our new telephoto lens. He's a cutie and was a real joy to watch, as you'll see from the variety of his game faces! We especially enjoy the picture of Jon & Emily walking along after the game, like a high-school-jock-with-his-girl moment.
It was a great game and everyone did a great job, even Coach Dave! Don't worry mommy, I'll have a CD for you at church tomorrow. And I thought this was a great shot. (Jon's the one in the middle with his tongue out)