Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bathroom Talk

Good day all. I thought I'd share some new developments in regards to Emily. I've found that the statistic is the average 4 year-old asks 437 questions a day. Well despite the fact that Emily is just over a month away from that glorious age, she's begun to meet this quota.

The other day as we were grocery shopping, of course, she had to use the bathroom. Yea, public bathrooms (sarcasm I promise). Any how, just in the stall alone I got grilled, the toilet paper dispenser being the main subject. Here's how it went:
Emily: What's this?
Mommy: The toilet dispenser. Its holds the toilet paper.
Emily: What's this?
Mommy: Its the screw that holds the dispenser on the wall.
Emily: What's this?
Mommy: Its the window so you can see how much toilet paper is left.
Emily: What's this?
Mommy: It's where the toilet paper comes out.
(Okay, so maybe it's the same question 437 times!)
Now this was not the beginning of the inquiry. The first question was… 
Emily" "Is that the toilet?" 
Mommy: "Yes, that's the toilet.
Now why would she ask that? Because here in SA, the public toilets for the most part are not your average looking toilet. For one thing they're completely round, not oval like we're use to. Secondly there's no toilet seat. The thickness of the rim is such that it's ample sitting space. 
Emily: "What's that button on the wall?"
Mommy" "It's how you flush the toilet."
We've seen these before. It's just a button on the wall. I usually flush these karate style - with my foot.
Once out of the stall we wash hands.
Emily: "How am I going to dry my hands?"
Mommy: "Use my jeans."
Now here in SA its hard to find a public bathroom that has a paper dispenser. It mostly the hot air dryer thingy, which is best I know, but Emily refuses to put her hands under something that is that noisy and blows hot air on her.
With that we were out of the bathroom to resume our shopping. There were more questions of course.

So now what? Well Katie's potty training has begun with the leadership coming from big sister Emily. Here's how it went one day.
Emily: "I have to go to the bathroom. Come on Katie."
Katie: "O-hey"
Emily: "This is the toilet. There are no monsters here. (as they both look inside the potty). Now you take your pants off like this. And sit on the potty and then the pee-pee comes out."
Katie watched like the good student. And then handed her big sister some toilet paper. Of course we were there to assist the clean up and redressing. And so the rest of the day, Emily would proclaim, "I have to go to the bathroom, come on Katie." To which Katie would reply, "O-hey." 
So we'll have to see how quickly the student learns from the master! LOL


Anonymous said...

too cute!

Jescel said...

oh my.. i wish i was there to witness this.. just so cute! i'm sure katie will be potty trained in no time :o) miss them.. miss you all!

Anonymous said...

Emily is such a good sister. We miss you guys. Love, Tati & Raul